Distributor Price List : Brand Manager
Select the menu next to the distributor Price List tool you want edit and choose 'Manage Brands':
On the following screen you can view all brands that are currently setup:
To add new brands begin typing the brand name and a list of available brands will appear. Results will narrow as you type:
When you find the brand you're looking for click on it to add it to your list:
To remove brands, you click the 'X' to the left of their name, or begin typing the brand name and when the brand appears click to unselect it:
Removing a Brand from a price list does not remove the Products from your TurnLink Account. You can remove products via Setup > Products > Products & Folders.
When your brand list is complete click 'Save':
A TurnLink representative will then run the Price List tool for you, identifying new items, discos, and setting up your distributor product matrix by DC.
Note: If you are also signed up for corresponding distributor Promo imports you will have a checkbox that allows you to Update the Promo Brand List at the same time you update the Price List Brand List (e.g. update KeHE Price List and Promo brands):
Note: Any brands that were previously setup but are not in the current Price List
will appear in the 'Not Found in Catalog' section: