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Inactivate/Delete & Reactivate Company Records


To inactivate (delete) a company record choose 'Inactivate' from the Modify menu:

** If a store closes, rather than Inactivate it we recommend you append the name with "Closed". This will leave all historical data in place for reporting purposes. Make sure you turn them off in your MapMyStores locator.

** If you find a duplicate record and one or both of the records DO NOT contain history, Inactivate it. If they both contain history they should be Merged rather than Inactivated. Click here for Merging instructions. 


If a company is mistakenly Inactivated it can be Reactivated logged into TurnLink as an Admin via Companies > Reactivate. Select the Company To Reactivate from your list of Inactivated companies and click 'Reactivate':  

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