Downloading : Target Partners Online Reports
Creating the First Report (Card) in Target POL Portal:
Login to your Target Portal with the url provided by your contact (eg
After you login, navigate into Greenfield reporting in the VIQ Dashboard
On top of the screen click 'Create' and then select 'Card'
On the 'Select Dataset' prompt, choose 'Aggdata.Day_Item_Loc_Sales_Inventory'
It will load the 'dataset' and you should click the 'Next' button on the bottom
On the 'Visualize Card' tab, click 'Add Columns'
On the 'Dimensions' tab, select the following columns and then switch to the 'Metrics' tab
Date, Location, TCIN, Sales U Sales $ Location State, Primary FDC Location, Primary RDC Location, Store Market, Location Zipcode, Location Latitude, Location Longitude, Item Description, Barcode (UPC)
and then on the 'Metrics' tab, select Sales $ and Sales U and click Apply.
You will now see all of the columns and if you see 'count of rows' on the top row above Date, please click the red X on the right to remvoe it. Then click 'Next - Set time period' button.
Select the 'Between' tab and choose the first date of the first month you are saving as the Start Date, and the final day of that month for the End Date and then click Apply button.
Click the Next button without any changes to filters or drilldowns, and keep clicking Next until you get to the final 'CARD DETAILS' section 'Card Info'. Fill in the name and Description replacing YourCompanyName with your company name without any spaces and then you can simpily change YYYYMM each month after downloading the file if you name them like this. Fill in a Description so you know what it is for and then click Done!
Then you can click the 'Refresh Card' button to load up the month you just selected for the first report.
Once it loads click the 'Save' button on the top right which looks like a Disk. Now you can pull this 'Card' up each month and change the date by clicking on it on top, to the previous complete month, Export and send over to TurnTree for processing!