Account Setup : MapMyStores General Information (Store Locator)
Once we import your customer list(s) you can add the MapMyStores radius based store finder to your website.
To display companies in the search output, you need to have the MapMyStores Toggle turned 'On' in the corresponding TurnLink or MapMyStores Company Overview. You can set the MapMyStores Toggle 'On' or 'Off' via the Modify menu, MapMyStores button, when you import company lists, or through the Advanced Search page where you can 'Push Results To > MapMyStores Status' to change multiple companies at the same time.
To get started, login as an Admin and go to Setup > MapMyStores:
Click the menu to the left of your web site URL.
- If you are using our out-of-the-box Google Map, choose 'Edit' to change configurations of colors, copy, logos, font sizes, and more. Click here for additional details regarding available configurations.
- Choose 'Instructions' to generate an email with installation instructions to send to your web developer.
- Choose 'Preview' to preview your map.
Adding Online Retailers
Many manufacturers sell their products through online retailers and want to list these retailers on their web-site's MapMyStores page. They can be returned based on some criterion and showing the logo of your choice, and including a link to the page of your choice. For example, you can set Amazon to always show up no matter the zip code, but gopuff to only show up in the 7 mile radius of the DCs/locations that carry your items.
To get started, login as an Admin and go to Setup > MapMyStores:
Click the menu to the left of your web site URL.
- Choose 'Instructions' to generate an email with installation instructions to send to your web developer.
- Choose 'Preview' to preview your map.
Adding Online Retailers
Many manufacturers sell their products through online retailers and want to list these retailers on their web-site's MapMyStores page. They can be returned based on some criterion and showing the logo of your choice, and including a link to the page of your choice. For example, you can set Amazon to always show up no matter the zip code, but gopuff to only show up in the 7 mile radius of the DCs/locations that carry your items.
On Setup > MapMyStores > Edit, for the Instance you want to enable Online Retailers, you can select where you would like them to appear, whether on the Top or Bottom of the Brick and Mortar List, or overlaid on the Map. You can then assign the Tag which is tied to the Company that signifies it should show in the Online Retailers section of MapMyStores on your website. We recommend using 'Store:Internet'.
Once enabled, to turn on the individual locations, follow these instructions.
- Enter the Company Overview of the Online Retailer record you would like to display on MapMyStores, or add it via 'Companies > Add New' if needed.
- Assign the Tag 'Store:Internet' to the Company Overview, which is not required to be the Primary Tag.
- Set the MapMyStores Status to 'On'.
- From the MapMyStores button menu, click 'Edit'.
- Add the https URL of the logo you want for that retailer, which you will host on your server and/or Google Drive or some other server. (*See obtaining a Google Drive shareable link for MapMyStores below).
- Add the https URL of the Link where you want your customers to land on the Online Retailer's website specific to your brand.
- Perform an Audit - For Online Retailers, you are required to update which Products are sold by them so this can be accurately reflected. If your Online Retailers are being updated automatically from 3rd Party Distributor Reports, then you do not need to do this part as it should be kept up automatically (eg goPuff through UNFI).
Obtaining Google Drive Shareable LInks
- Create a New Folder in your Drive to store the Online Retailer Logos:
Add the logos to the Drive, and then right click and choose 'Share':
In in the following 'General access' section choose 'Anyone with the link':
Then click 'Copy link':
- To create the MapMyStores useable link, you will need to copy just the id from the Google Drive Shareable link and insert it at the end of
If your Google link is :
Your final link to enter into TurnLink will be :
Here is a MapMyStores example of a client returning online retails on the top of their list:
Here is a MapMyStores example of a client returning online retails on the top of their list: