Account Setup : Regional Companies (HQ)
When an account has a corporate and/or regional office where buying decisions are made, it is helpful to create a Regional company and connect it to the children companies it oversees.
TurnLink uses a colon with no spaces to identify regional relationships, and only the text to the left of the colon will appear in your MapMyStores store locator search results (e.g. 'MOM's Organic Market:Bowie' returns 'MOM's Organic Market') so it has a clean feel for the consumer. This is also how QuickBooks identifies the 'Customer:Job' relationship if you are, or plan to, sync at some point.
Regional Record:
MOM's Organic Market
Children Records:
MOM's Organic Market:Bowie
MOM's Organic Market:College Park
MOM's Organic Market:Columbia East
MOM's Organic Market:Frederick
MOM's Organic Market:Rockville
You can create Regional companies via Companies > Add New:
Fill out as much information as is known about the company, and select Type = Regional. Be sure to include the main phone number which is used as a unique ID to help avoid creating duplicate records and a 'Creation Note' indicating the source and/or basic information. Social media sites can be added using a comma separated list. Once done click 'Save Details':
You will be taken into the newly created Regional record where you can scroll to the 'Regional' section of the company details and click 'add':
Assuming you are using our regional relationship naming convention, all children will automatically be found. Simply click 'Select All' and then click 'Submit' to setup the regional relationship.
You can also batch assign regional relationships via Advanced Search. To do this, search for the chain name (Add Field = Name) and Push Results To > Regional Assignment:
Click here for additional information regarding regional relationships.