Credit Card Information
You can store a company's credit card information in TurnLink via 'Modify > Order Options':
From there you can save the credit card information as well as adjust any other order options. Click 'Save' when done:
**Credit card information is stored in TurnLink in an encrypted format. Click Here for additional information regarding TurnLink security.
** If synchronizing with QuickBooks, please note that TurnLink only sends the last 4 digits of the credit card number. This is due to a QuickBooks security feature that does not allow any 3rd party to send full numbers. You can retrieve the full number from TurnLink. Since this is a limitation on the QuickBooks side we are unable to change it.
** TurnLink does not have credit card processing capabilities at this time.
From there you can save the credit card information as well as adjust any other order options. Click 'Save' when done:
**Credit card information is stored in TurnLink in an encrypted format. Click Here for additional information regarding TurnLink security.
** If synchronizing with QuickBooks, please note that TurnLink only sends the last 4 digits of the credit card number. This is due to a QuickBooks security feature that does not allow any 3rd party to send full numbers. You can retrieve the full number from TurnLink. Since this is a limitation on the QuickBooks side we are unable to change it.
** TurnLink does not have credit card processing capabilities at this time.