All actions, taken by any/all TurnLink users, are recorded in a Company's Event history. This is where you can read past notes, view past orders, read past emails, and more.
Events are organized in chronological order with Upcoming listed first, then Today, then all other history. If you save an Event as 'Priority' it will be pinned to the top, above Upcoming, with a red outline. These can be used to remind you of something important like an account anniversary or a contact’s birthday.
From with a Company record, the Event tab allows you to see all actions as well as the details regarding those actions:
Clicking the title of an Event opens it in the expanded/detailed view:
Clicking the menu to the right of an Event allows you to View Details, Edit, Delete, mark as Priority, etc. If the Event is an Order additional options become available:
The filter tab allows you to narrow down the Events based on: Event type, Date of Events, Comment, and User:
To Remove a Filter click the 'X' next to the criteria you wish to remove:
Events are organized in chronological order with Upcoming listed first, then Today, then all other history. If you save an Event as 'Priority' it will be pinned to the top, above Upcoming, with a red outline. These can be used to remind you of something important like an account anniversary or a contact’s birthday.
From with a Company record, the Event tab allows you to see all actions as well as the details regarding those actions:
Clicking the title of an Event opens it in the expanded/detailed view:
Clicking the menu to the right of an Event allows you to View Details, Edit, Delete, mark as Priority, etc. If the Event is an Order additional options become available:
The filter tab allows you to narrow down the Events based on: Event type, Date of Events, Comment, and User:
To Remove a Filter click the 'X' next to the criteria you wish to remove: