Excel Import Files (Setup > Imports > Companies)
You can add large numbers of companies via Excel files that you create while logged into TurnLink (or MapMyStores). You have the option of creating a blank template which you can populate or mapping [converting] an existing document into our template. We will help quality assure and import the data for you once you have converted it into our template.
Mapping an Excel Company List
Login to your account and click on Setup > Imports:
Mapping an Excel Company List
Login to your account and click on Setup > Imports:
- Import Type = Companies
- Name your import template (e.g. Customer List)
- Select 'Map Existing Document'
- Click the ‘Browse’ button and select the valid Excel file you want to map
- Click 'Continue':
- If there is more than one Worksheet in your Excel file, select the one you want to map.
- Indicate how many header rows there are in your file.
- Auto Apply Phone Style for consistency.
- Choose your capitalization preference:
The following information/categories are available to map:
- Company: basic company data such as store name, address, and phone number.
- Contacts: basic contact data such as name, title, phone number, and email.
- Products: what products a store carries and basic audit data such as retail price.
- Tags: Unique tags you've created in your database. Click Here for additional information regarding tags.
- Distributors: what distributor(s) the stores use.
Next to each field in TurnLink is a dropdown menu with columns from your Excel file. Select the column that matches the TurnLink field you want to map it to:
'Company Name', 'Company Phone', 'Company Type', and 'Creation Note Line One' will be pre-checked and are required to be in your import file even though you may not be mapping any columns from your original file to them.
You may check any other fields, such as Tags or Distributors, so you can manually add these core relationships in your new Excel template where it is easy to cut, paste, and scrub your data before adding it to the database for everyday use.
Once you have checked and/or mapped all the fields you want to include click 'Create Template:
Your template will download automatically.
Open the template and read the 'Instructions' tab.
The 'Company Import' tab is the tab that will be imported into your database by a TurnTree support person.
When a document is mapped we run a check for duplicates by Company Phone Number (required). The results appear on a new tab called 'Possible Duplicates'. Please note that all companies listed on this tab will NOT be imported as our system has determined that they are either already in your database, or that they are listed twice on your import file. If you copy and paste them back onto the 'Company Import' tab we can either import them and update the existing company records OR we can import them as new companies if they are not in fact duplicates (very unlikely).
Additional Mapping Information
** We recommend when adding multi location accounts you use colons (with no spaces) to denote the location for a chain (e.g. MOM’s Organic Market:Rockville and MOM’s Organic Market:Frederick). This way, when searching your database you can easily distinguish the locations, but on your MapMyStores (and other) output you can choose to display just the chain name (e.g. MOM’s Organic Market). If you use QuickBooks this will translate to the Customer:Job relationship when synced.
** Fill in the Company Type column with the appropriate letter ‘C’, ‘P’, ‘D’, ‘S’, ‘R’ or leave blank for things like Press, Events, Organizations, etc. (C=customer, P=prospect, D=distributor, S=sales company, R=regional).
** Use the Creation Note Lines 1-5 for extra data that we do not have a field for on the import mapping page. This information will be added as the first Event in the Company's History and should contain the source of this company/lead/customer. It can also be used for assigning a rep, terms, or any other data that can be searched for and related once imported into TurnLink.
** Fill in your Tags by typing ‘Primary’ for the primary type (also functions as QuickBooks Customer Type) or enter an asterisk (*) to indicate it is a secondary type.
** Fill in account numbers for each Distributor you are including or type an asterisk (*) to indicate the company uses that distributor but you do not know the account number.
** Enter an asterisk (*) for any column containing a Product that you know the company is already carrying if you want TurnLink to be updated with this information.
** Enter an asterisk (*) in the MapMyStores Status column for all stores you want to appear in your MapMyStores store locator.
Submitting Your Completed Import Template
Email your completed file to support@turntree.com for us to test, feedback, and import for you. Please note that there is a $25 quality assurance and import fee per file with up to 2,500 rows.
Click Here for instructions on searching and handling your import results within TurnLink.