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QuickBooks Tips :: Customer:Job for Regional/Multi-Location Customers

If you are not familiar with the QuickBooks Customer:Job list, it can be a helpful tool for grouping customers with multiple locations into an organized folder-like system. By making the company who you invoice, eg 'Healthy Market' headquarters, the top-level 'Customer' and then adding 'Jobs' for their individual store locations, you can keep your accounting, naming, and MapMyStores output all consistent and accurate.

In the customer center in QuickBooks you can see what each account individually owes you, what 
an entire region owes you, and/or what an entire chain owes you. This then translates into sales reporting in both TurnLink and QuickBooks, allowing you to easily view each individual account, regional grouping, and/or chain as a whole.

After you have synched your data from QuickBooks to TurnLink, it is important to add ALL NEW companies to TurnLink and not to QuickBooks going forward. Also, edits or modifications of any company information should be done only in TurnLink, as it will all be updated in QuickBooks when orders are synchronized via the Web Connector. This will keep information current in both systems. Do NOT add wholesale related customers directly to QuickBooks after you have finalized your Synchronization process!

You can also use the TurnLink ‘Abbreviation’ field to store a nickname or abbreviation for the chain and include other details such as store number or location abbreviation. 

Handling Sub Jobs 

Some customers have multiple levels and the Customer:Jobs handles this as well. In TurnLink, names are added as Customer:Job:Job:etc where the colon (:) separates each level in QuickBooks. Here is an example of how the Customer:Job:Job names will look in QuickBooks and TurnLink: 


Healthy Market

TurnLink Sales Manager

Healthy Market


Healthy Market:NewEngland


Healthy Market:NewEngland:Belfast


Healthy Market:NewEngland:Burlington


Healthy Market:Southeast


Healthy Market:Southeast:Athens

When handling Sub Jobs you must setup the first 2 levels (Customer:Job) inside of QuickBooks manually. Once, done TurnLink will automatically know how to handle the Sub Jobs for that chain. 


1 – In QuickBooks right click on UNFI for the menu to pop up.

2 – Click Add Job.

3 – Enter ‘Eastern Region’ in the Job name and click OK

Next time you take an order in TurnLink for a UNFI:Easter Region DC it will know to automatically add that DC as a Sub Job to the QuickBooks UNFI:Eastern Region Customer:Job you created. 

EG UNFI:Eastern Region:Sarasota. 

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