QuickBooks Discounts (Promotions)
Here are the steps to setup a Discount in QuickBooks:
- Click the "Lists" menu and select "Item List" from the drop-down menu in QuickBooks.
- Click the "Item" button and "New" at the bottom of the Item List.
- Select "Type" and "Discount."
- Type a name to identify the discount (this is the QuickBooks Item Name in TurnLink)
- Provide a description of the discount. The description shows up on the sales form after applying it to the invoice.
- Type a percentage or fixed dollar amount for the discount in the "Amount of %" field. Type a percentage with the "%" field after the number. You may leave these fields blank and apply the percent or fixed discount amount directly into the invoice later.
- Click the "Account" drop-down arrow and select the appropriate income account for the applied discount (this is the QuickBooks Account Name in TurnLink).
- Select the "Tax-Code" drop-down arrow and apply the appropriate tax code, if relevant to your service or product. Some states don't require taxes on certain products or services, so check with your accountant.
- Click "OK."