Commision Report Imports
To use this tool you must first setup all of your vendors as Distributor type records in TurnLink via Company >New.
Then connect each store from the report(s) to the vendor via the store's Distributor Module in their TurnLink record. Use the account number from the report(s) as the distributor account number in TurnLink.
**If the vendor does not provide account numbers use the company name or other unique identifying column from the report as the account number in TurnLink.
Example Commission Report for the 'Organic Friend Foods' vendor:
Corresponding company record In TurnLink:
Go to Reports > Imports > Commission Excel. Click 'Update
Commissions' to enter your commission percentages for all your vendors:
Go to Reports > Imports > Commission Excel to import your reports. Enter the Import Month, Vendor, Update Method (Default is Import File), choose the file, and click 'Preview':
On the following screen, choose the applicable sheet (tab) from your report, and map the Store Name, Account Number, and Commission Amount to the corresponding columns from the report. Then click 'Save Map and Preview':
All stores located in TurnLink by their account number on the report will appear in the 'Commissions to Import' mover box. If any are not found they will be listed below. You can export the stores not found into an Excel file and then either find the store in your database and add the vendor and vendor account number to their Distributor Module or go to Company > New to create them if they do not exist. If there are a large amount of stores you can send the spreadsheet to us for import (*import processing fees apply).
Once all stores are found click the 'Import Commissions' button:
This takes you to the Reports > Commissions screen where you can review the import results:
From this screen you can choose to review the data by Regions (eg all MOM's locations) or by your Search Results. You can also choose which vendors and which stores you want included:
To use the Search Results, start on Advanced Search and pull up the store list you want to report on eg all Customers in Maryland (MD). Then Push Results To > Reports > Commissions to run your report: