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DropBox Collateral Setup

DropBox Collateral Setup 

If you are using Dropbox to store your TurnLink collateral items you need to create a shared link for the file after adding it to Dropbox, and then enter this link into the TurnLink Setup > Collateral page.

1. In your web browser, while logged into Dropbox, find the file that you would like to add to TurnLink as Collateral.

2. Click 'Share' to the right of the file.

3. Click 'Create a link':

4. After you have created the link, click 'Copy Link' to put a copy of it into your clipboard to paste into TurnLink: 

5. In TurnLink, go to Setup > Collateral and select 'Add New Collateral' from the menu to the right of the page: 

6. Fill out the 'Add Collateral Form':
  • Method = Manually Enter Public Link
  • Name your Collateral 
  • Paste the link into the URL field*
  • Choose your Access Type
  • Click 'Save':
*Important : The link will have 'dl=0' at the end of it, but it is necessary for you to change the 0 to a 1 before saving the collateral item.

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