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Downloading : KeHE POD Reports (KeHE Connect BI)

Downloading the KeHE Full POD Vendor Report

1 - Login to KeHE Connect with the credentials provided to you by KeHE at
2 - Select KeHE Connect BI > Connect Data > Reporting
3 - Select the 'KeHE Full POD Vendor' report from the 'Report' dropdown
4 - Select your brand from the 'Enterprise Supplier' dropdown 
5 - Select the applicable 'Calendar Year' and 'Calendar Month' from the respective dropdowns
6 - Click 'View Report':

7 - Select the Disk icon to export and then select 'CSV (comma delimited)' from the dropdown:


Rename the file with the following format: YourCompany_KeHE_202401.csv  where 'YourCompany' is the name of your brand and 202401 is the year and month (e.g. this would be a report for January of 2024).

If you are also importing DPI repeat the process for each DPI POD report under your 'Enterprise Supplier' dropdown. These files should be named: YourCompany_DPI_HND_202401.csv Where 'HND' is the applicable DC. DCs are HND, ONT, or TUA. 

Downloading the Brand Item Location Report

**Please also download the 'Brand Item Location' report and include it with your POD in the same email so we can keep your codes and pricing up to date!

1 - Select the 'Brand Item Location' report from the 'Report' dropdown
2 - Choose your brand from the 'Enterprise Supplier' dropdown. By default all DCs should be selected:

3 - Click View Report and save to Excel and send us the report for us to properly setup your new SKUs, displays and shippers for your POD import pricing: 


If you are also importing DPI repeat the process for each DPI Brand Item Location report under your 'Enterprise Supplier' dropdown.

Email all files to for cleansing, testing, and importing.

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