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The Dashboard is a customizable top-level overview of your TurnLink Sales Manager account. You can view your calendar, predefined company lists, a 30 day MapMyStores heat map, user activity, trending 6 months sales, and up to 4 highly customizable Sales Snapshot reports, all in one convenient and easy to understand location!

To get started, select the Dashboard Widgets you want included via the top righthand menu: 

Once selected, move them into your desired order and click 'Save Changes':

You will be prompted to 'Reload Dashboard' to see your changes. 

The following is a detailed explanation of available Widgets:

- Sales Snapshot Widgets

These highly customizable Widgets allow you to filter your sales by Customer, Distributor, Product, Regional (sales summary by chain), Rep on Order, Primary Tag, and Brand (if applicable): 

The data can be displayed by your Current Reports > Orders Filter, All Sales Today, All Sales Week-to-Date, and All Sales Month-to-Date. In addition, all of your Reports > Orders 'Saved Options' will appear in your list allowing you to easily customize the data to your specifications:  

You can include up to 4 of these dynamic Widgets to quickly access and analyze critical sales data in a variety of fashions! 

Note: these Widgets can also be viewed in the Reports > Orders report 'Type' dropdown menu with your current filter automatically applied. 

- 6 Months Sales Widget

View your past 6 months sales data by Product, Regional (sales summary by chain), or Rep on Order, and filter sales by any/all Distributors. 

Mouseover the graph for a scrollable sales by month breakout:

- Company Lists Widget

View predefined company lists and a donut graph of your Company Type breakdown. Clicking on the number of companies in a selected list will automatically load those companies into Advanced Search where you can take action: 

- MapMyStores Last 30 Days Widget

Mouseover this MapMyStores heat map to see the number of searches by state in the last 30 days. Below, see your top 5 states including the number of requests and percentage of total searches. Click on the state abbreviation to see a breakdown by zip code: 

- My Tasks Widget

View a monthly calendar filterable by All users (color coded), specific users, and Tasks scheduled for Any user:

Use the top righthand menu to 'Schedule a Task': 

Clicking on a Task redirects you to Tasks > Manage where additional actions can be taken. 

- User Activity Widget

This Widget is a reflection of your Reports > User Logs settings. It includes the user name and login type by default. Additional columns can be included for the Last Login, Total Logins, and any/all Event types within a set date range. Use the top righthand menu to 'Change Options' for what is displayed: 

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Note: depending on your user level, and the edition of TurnLink your company subscribes to, you may not have all Widgets available under your login. 

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