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Clearing Your Browser Cache

Sometimes when we make updates to TurnLink, it is necessary to completely clear your browser's Cache to update new features of our application in your browser. Below are many of the common browsers' methods to reload all aspects of the TurnLink app.  

Chrome for PC

  1.  Click "Ctrl+Shift+R" to do a Hard Refresh.  Depending on the nature of our updates this may not reload the javascript tools so if you still are experiencing issues proceed to step 2.
  2. Click F12 (which will open the developer console).
  3. On the top left of your browser, right click on the refresh icon and click Empty Cache and Hard Reload.
  4. We also recommend Clearing your Local Storage

Chrome for iPad

  1.  Click the settings menu on the upper right hand of the browser to the right of the URL.
  2. Click 'Settings' which is the second to last option.
  3. Under the Advanced section,select 'Privacy'
  4. Then select 'Clear Browsing Data'
  5. On this screen, you should have 'Cookies, Site Data' and 'Cached Images and Files' selected or select them if not.
  6. Click 'Clear Browsing Data' and then when the confirmation menu appears click 'Clear Browsing Data' again to confirm.
  7. You can now click Done to close the settings area and your browser should be ready to use TurnLink's new version.

Chrome for Mac

  1. Click Command+option+I which will open the developer tools.
  2. Click on the word Network on top to switch to that tab.
  3. Click Command+R which will refresh the page and then show activity in the Network area.
  4. Finally, Right-Click on the Network tab hovering over any of the rows of activity and select 'Clear Browser Cache'.

FireFox for PC

    Hold the Ctrl key and press the F5 key.
    Hold down Ctrl and ⇧ Shift and then press R.
    We also recommend Clearing your Local Storage

FireFox for  Mac

    Hold down the ⇧ Shift and click the Reload button.
    Hold down ⌘ Cmd and ⇧ Shift and then press R.

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