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Order Detail Options

You can adjust your order detail options by going to Setup > Integrations > QuickBooks:

Once there, open the 'Order Options' drop down:

From here you can add, edit, delete, and set defaults for:
  1. Shipping Methods
  2. Terms
  3. Customer Types (function as the Primary Tag in TurnLink)
  4. Class
  5. Sales Tax
  6. Invoice Templates
  7. Sales Order Templates
**Lists on this page need to be an EXACT TEXT MATCH to the corresponding lists in QuickBooks for synchronization to work.**

Once done, scroll to the bottom and click 'Save':


After configuring your lists, you can setup companies to have non-default options from within their Company Overview  via 'Modify > Order Options': 

You can also batch assign order optioins via Advanced Search. Filter your companies by attributes on the left and select 'Push Results To > Direct Order Options':

Move all of the companies from your search that you would like to assign the options for to the right mover box and click 'Select Companies':

Select the options you want to assign and click 'Update Order options':

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