Company Overview > General Information
Your TurnLink database has a generic Company, usually named 'Test Grocery Markets:New City', you can use for testing any of the Information changes or actions that can be accomplished in TurnLink.
Use the 'Quick Search Bar' at the top of your screen to 'Search Name and Abbreviation' for your company’s test store and click on it to enter the Company Overview:
The left side of a Company Overview contains the Information setup for each Company. Use the 'Modify Menu' to make changes:
Company Attributes can also be edited below by clicking on the 'add' link or specific attribute button:
Attributes include: The right side of the Company Overview is split into two sections, Actions and the resulting Events.
- Contacts
- Distributors
- Tags
- Regional (HQ Relationships)
- Reps
Actions are found on the company's 'What would you like to do?' menu:
Click on the Action name below for additional information:
Actions are stored as Events in the company's history: