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Perform an audit

TurnLink allows you to create and store audit information for your customers and the products they carry.

Updating Products Carried Data

From the
Company Overview select 'What would you like to do? > Perform an audit':

There are several options your company can select in order to customize the audit form
via Setup > Preferences > Overview while logged in as an Administrator. Based on these selections your form may contain the following columns:
  • Comment (e.g. 'shelf placement eye level')
  • Retail Price
  • Promotion Quantity & Price (e.g. 2 for $5)
  • Promotion Comment (e.g. with coupon)
  • Facings
  • Units (inventory count)
  • Out of Stock checkbox
  • Missing Tag checkbox
  • Cut-in checkbox
You can search for products based on name, folder, UPC etc, or locate them on the form within the applicable folder.

*All or some of your products may not be automatically displayed, depending on which products are carried in that company. Either way, all of your folders will be visible and clicking on any of the folders will load all products within.

*If you are in a child record of a Regional company you can view which products are authorized in that region as they will be bold and italicized on the form. Your TurnLink Administrator may also have setup a preference that will make all products approved visible and all products not approved hidden in the folders.

Use the 'Void/Carry' slider to indicate the products that are carried.

The Comment field on the bottom of the form can be used to record a general note about the information that you are quantifying. If it is from a store visit you can describe things about the placement, items and any interactions or meetings that occurred. If the data is from another source you can note that source (e.g. Broker Audit Report).

Once done click 'Complete' and the audit will be placed in the company's Event history:

Additional Information and Shortcut Tips:

- The audit form will always contain the most recent audit data so you need only make applicable updates. If you wish to clear the previous audit data you can do so for the entire form by clicking the menu icon to the right. You can also open/close all folders and export/import your audit form from this menu:

- You can clear audit fields within a specific product folder vs the entire form by choosing the menu icon for that folder and selecting the fields you want to clear. You can also mark all items within the folder as carried/discontinued from this menu:

- An audit will automatically be created if there is an
order placed for a new item unless the sample checkbox is checked.

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