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Regional Functionality (APL)

When an account has a corporate and/or regional office where buying decisions are made it is helpful to have a Regional company and connect it to the children companies it oversees. If you subscribe to our 3rd party distributor and retailer report import services the creation of Regional companies and connections to their children can now be automated. Contact for additional information. 

You can also create Regional companies if needed. 

Approved Product Listing (APL):

From within a Regional company you can update your APL via 'What would you like to do? > Update Approved Product List': 

All products approved by the Regional company are bold and italicized on the audit form of all children. Any regionally approved items that are not carried by a child are considered voids: 

Similarly, in the Regional company, all products carried by 1 or more children are bold and italicized. If you are confident the products carried by children are your APL, you can use the righthand menu to 'Toggle Authorizations based on Children' to save time: 

From within a Regional company you will be able to see how many children are affiliated. Clicking on the 'Children' button pulls up the list of children. Each company name is a link that when clicked takes you into the company overview for that child. This view also include statistics for how many approved products (APL), and how many total products, each child carries: 

Regional Promotions: 

Admin level TurnLink users can setup promotions by region via Setup > Promotions

Regional Reporting: 

Reports generated within a Regional company include data for all connected children: 

The Regional level Snapshot report is especially useful as it contains aggregate sales, statistics, points of distribution (PODs), opportunities, and more based on the APL and connected children. Mousing over graphs provides additional details:

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