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Place an order (Order Form)

Before placing an order in TurnLink, make sure the distributor you want to order from is connected to the company in which the order will be placed:

  • The 'Direct' distributor is used for orders your company will ship to directly and may synchronize with your accounting system (e.g. QuickBooks, Navision, NetSuite, etc).
  • For turnover orders, select the appropriate distribution center fulfilling the order.
Once the distributor is connected, select 'What would you like to do? > Place an order':

If the company is only connected to one distributor the order form will automatically be filtered for all products carried by that distributor. If they are connected to more than one, but one is noted as the Primary, it will automatically filter for the Primary. You can change the distributor filter on the order form if needed, but only connected distributors will be available to order from.

You can also filter by available promotions. 

Once all applicable distributor and promotion filters are applied, search for
the product(s) you want to order. This can be done by name, brand, UPC, or distributor item code:

Selected products will appear on the order form: 

  1. Clicking the 'Void/Carry' toggle will create an audit for the company, updating their products carried with any new products you are ordering. If an item is marked as 'Void' when you enter a quantity it will automatically toggle to 'Carry'. Note: You can not discontinue items via the Order form. Discos must be done on the audit form.
  2. Enter the quantity you want to order. 
  3. If there are available promotions they will either be automatically applied or you can select up to 3 available promotions per line item. 
  4. If enabled, checking the 'Sample' checkbox automatically changes the 'Void/Carry' toggle back to 'Void' after the order is complete so the item is not marked as carried by the store when it is simply a sample being sent. It will also zero out the price. The 'Sample' checkbox is most often used for 'Direct' orders. All turnover order samples should have a 100% MCB applied so the discount is correctly calculated by the distributor. 
  5. Optionally add an order line comment.
  6. Optionally add a PO Number. Most commonly used when required by the store. 
  7. Optionally add a Ship Date. Click here if you are taking a pre-order. 
  8. The 'Priority' Toggle allows you to pin the Order as a Priority Event in the company history rather than having it file chronologically. 
  9. Optionally add an order note. 
Note: A draft of your order is NOT being saved as you enter line items so make sure to click 'Add & Continue' if you do not want to lose your data before leaving the Company Overview or if you have a poor internet connection.

Note: When ordering multiple items that have the same distributor, quantity, or promotions, after adding the details to the top product in the list use the 'COPY DOWN' options to copy those settings to all other products in your list.

When done click 'Complete'. 

This will take you to the Open Order Cart where you can review and edit your order if needed: 

  1. 'Edit Details' allows you to edit the following:
    • Ship date
    • Ship to address
    • Shipping cost
    • Order Date
    • Sales tax
    • Rep
    • PO Number
    • Order note
    • Subtotal Promotions
  2. 'Add More Items' allows you to add additional items.
  3. The 'Process After' menu allows you to process your order using your selected method.
    • The Do Not Process' option completes the order in TurnLink only, it does not submit it to the distributor.
    • The 'Process Orders Automatically' options allow you to process your order using your previously selected processing settings.
    • The 'Process Orders Manually' options allow you to view and change your processing settings. 
- Click here for directions on submitting turnover orders to third party distributors. 
- Click here for directions on synchronizing Direct orders to QuickBooks. 

When done click 'Complete Order' and the order will be processed.

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