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Synchronizing Orders and Data from TurnLink to QuickBooks

After successfully running the QuickBooks Web Connector for the first time and synchronizing your data with a TurnTree support representative, you can start placing orders. All orders are placed within TurnLink, added to a queue, and passed to QuickBooks when the Web Connector is run.

When adding an order to a TurnLink Company Overview there are two ways to add it to the queue. You can queue one order at a time at the time the order is placed OR you can queue a batch of orders via the Reporting > Orders page.

1) Queue One Order at a Time

Click Here for complete order form instrutions. 

When placing an order it can be queued before completing by choosing 'QuickBooks Web Connector' from the 'Process After' menu. When you click 'Complete Order' it will be placed in the queue:

If you click  'Complete Order' before choosing the 'QuickBooks Web Connector' you can still add the order to the queue from within the Order Event. Locate the order in the company's event history. To the right of the order the menu button allows you to choose how you want to process the order. Choose 'Queue to QuickBooks':

Note: if you have not previously exported an order for that company to QuickBooks you will need to choose it from the 'View all Process Options...' menu. Once you have selected a process method it will automatically load under 'Process this Order' for all future orders. You can also select a default processing option for the company from here:

2)  Batch Queue Orders

Go to Reporting > Orders:

This page allows you to filter various options to drill down to the orders you wish to export to QuickBooks. Click Here for additional instrutions on filtering your orders.

Note: the 'Direct' distributor is your default QuickBooks distributor.

When you reach the 'Orders' tab, click 'Export' and select
 'QuickBooks Web Connector' from the drop down menu to add them to the queue:

Running the Web Connector

Once you have successfully queued orders, open the QuickBooks Web Connector from your Windows Start menu or from QuickBooks > File > Update Web Services. Make sure ‘TurnLink Sales Manager : Synchronization’ is checked. When you are ready to synchronize, click the ‘Update Selected’ button. A progress indicator at the bottom will show the status of the orders while they move from TurnLink to QuickBooks:

Once complete, you will see the orders that you just synchronized in QuickBooks in the appropriate lists ready to be printed and/or emailed. Select either File > Print Forms or File > Send Forms and either Invoices or Sales Orders depending on how you exported the orders from TurnLink.

If there are errors, you can read what the problems are, fix the orders, and re-queue them from within TurnLink. Depending on your preferences, TurnLink users, including the user who placed the order and the username associated with your Web Connector, will be emailed with any issues that may have occurred. Optionally, a Task can be scheduled in the company with an order that did not synchronize. The error is also noted in the Comment of the TurnLink order itself. 

All QuickBooks Web Connector preferences are controlled in TurnLink logged in as an administrator via Setup > Integrations > QuickBooks. 

If you have any questions or need further assistance setting up and using the QuickBooks Web Connector please email

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