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Schedule a task

TurnLink’s built-in task manager allows you to quickly and easily schedule appointments, follow-ups, and track the progress of tasks you've created.

All tasks are related to a specific company within your TurnLink database and they can be viewed in various areas of the application.

To schedule a task for yourself, or another TurnLink user, login and pull up the Company Overview for the company the task is related to. Then, from the 'What would you like to do?' menu, choose 'Schedule a task':

1. Choose the applicable task Type from the drop-down menu. Task types are controlled by your TurnLink administrator via Setup > Preferences > Administrative > Tasks and may include: 
  • Accounting 
  • Audit
  • Call
  • Competitive Audit
  • Consumer Event 
  • Demo
  • Email
  • Follow Up
  • General Visit
  • Goal
  • Import
  • Layout Survey
  • Meeting
  • Merchandising 
  • Online Survey
  • Order
  • Presentation
  • Reset
  • Resolve Issue
  • Status Update
  • Trade Show
  • Training
2. Enter the Date or date range the task must be completed within.
  • Click 'View Tasks' to see your calendar and check availability.
3. Choose if/when you'd like a Reminder.

4. Choose the user the task is for i.e. yourself, a different user, or Any user. 

5. Enter a Title. 

6. Enter the task Details. You can flow in company contact names, and, for frequently scheduled tasks you can create templates via Setup > Templates. 

7. Use the 'Priority' slider to pin the task to the top of the company's Event history vs having it appear in chronological order. 

8. Optionally Export the task to your Google, iCal, Outlook, or Yahoo calendar. 

9. Click 'Save'. 

Batch Scheduling Tasks: 

If you have multiple companies you want to schedule tasks for you can pull up the company list via Advanced Search and Push Results To > Tasks > Schedule:


Click Here for instructions on viewing and managing your tasks once they've been scheduled. 


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