Order Duplicating
Duplicating/Copying an Order from One Company into Others:
Place your order in one of the companies.
Go to Advanced Search and perform a search that results in the companies you would like to duplicate your order into, and 'Push Results To > Order Duplicating':
Go to Advanced Search and perform a search that results in the companies you would like to duplicate your order into, and 'Push Results To > Order Duplicating':
Note: It is ok if your search results in more than just the companies you want to duplicate into as you can exclude them on the following screen.
Select the companies you want to duplicate the order into by moving them to the right side box:
Pick from the dropdown menu the company with the order you want to duplicate, and then the specific order you want to duplicate:
TurnLink will show you a preview of the order before you duplicate it. You can optionally adjust the order date, and 'Add Current Auto Apply Promos' based on the new order date if applicable:
All of the MOM's Organic Market's get a case of your two new SKU's. Create the order in one of the MOM's company overview's, then copy it to all MOM's locations.
This simply creates the orders within TurnLink. If you need to process them you can do so in their company overview's or in batch via Reports > Orders by selecting 'Export' on the 'Orders' tab: