Step 1: Click on Setup > Collateral
Step 2: Click the toolbox icon located on the top right of the screen.
Step 3: Enter the information requested including the Host Name (or IP address), login username, password, directory where the files should be placed (eg collateral) and the url mapping for where this file is located (eg

Step 4: Click the ‘Save’ button and TurnLink will test your FTP settings before saving them for you to use.
If there is an issue, confirm that you have all of the information correct and try again. If it still persists contact TurnTree Support at
Step 4: Check the box for which part(s) of the application you would like the collateral to be accessible.Step 5: Click the Add button to activate the collateral inside your TurnLink account.
Once you have added collateral you can edit the name and remove the reference to the collateral from the same Setup > Collateral page. If you actually want to remove the file from your web server at some point, you will need to do that through your own FTP client. If you want to update the file, we recommend keeping the file name the exact same as it was and either updating it inside of TurnLink or through your own client. This way you do not have to change the URL or other setup inside of TurnLink but the next time any of your users access the collateral it will be the newest version of the file that your team will be using!
Click on the applicable article name below for information on setting up your Collateral template:
Enter the information requested in the pop-up window including the Host Name (or IP address), login username, password, directory where the files should be placed (eg Collateral) and the url mapping for where this file is located (eg Then click 'Save':

TurnLink will test your FTP settings before saving them for you to use.
If there is an issue, confirm that you have all of the information correct and try again. If it still persists contact TurnTree Support at
Once setup, you can add, edit, and remove Collateral via
Setup > Collateral. If you actually want to remove the file from your web server at some point, you will need to do that through your own FTP client. If you want to update the file, we recommend keeping the file name the exact same as it was and either updating it inside of TurnLink or through your own client. This way you do not have to change the URL or other setup inside of TurnLink but the next time any of your users access the collateral it will be the newest version of the file that your team will be using!Click on the applicable article name below for information on setting up your Collateral template: