Account Setup : MapMyStores Installation (Store Locator)
If you choose to use the Google Map version rather than having a developer custom build an output on your site using our XML feed, you can control the basic settings inside of your account by clicking on Setup > MapMyStores. For the xml version, you will only need to set the URL/domain of the site that will be requesting the xml data and any folder association if you want the results to also filter by any products carried criteria.
To display companies in the search output, you need to have MapMyStores turned on in the corresponding TurnLink Company Overview. You can turn MapMyStores on or off in the Modify menu, when you import company lists, or through the Advanced Search page where you can 'Push Results To > MapMyStores Status' to change multiple companies at the same time.
If you are using TurnLink to drive your MapMyStores service you can also output the products the store carries, the folders in which the products are carried as well as any Tags that are assigned to them. The MapMyStores service also includes the option to display a form for consumers to tell you about stores where they shop that are not yet displayed in the Search Results. You can then enter these leads into TurnLink account as prospects and use them to get more accounts! You also have the option to include a form field to allow consumers or sales team members to easily email the results of a search to any valid email address. Click Here for a list of available preferences and configuration options.
In addition, we have integrated usage reports for your MapMyStores service into your TurnLink Sales Manager account. Automatically, the zip code and ip addresses will be tracked so you can report on which postal codes are most requested on via 'Reports > MapMyStores'. This page allows you to filter by unique ip addresses used to search for zip codes or by all requests. You can then view individual states or the top ten requested postal codes and with one-click search for all companies that are in a selected radius to the requested postal code in question.MapMyStores also supports the ability to have more than one website displaying MapMyStores output with different results depending on which website (e.g. product line/brand) is requesting the data. To setup multiple urls with different access please contact your TurnTree Solutions representative. Additional fees may apply.
The MapMyStores service is available in two versions:
1 - GOOGLE MAP Implementation:
The Google Map version is an out of the box solution that require minimal knowledge of html coding to implement. This version offer options to control style including logos, fonts, copy and colors from within your login, as well as to override any of our out of the box style using your own css sheet and referencing our classes and elements. If you would like to fully customize the layout and output of your map, you can use the XML version to pull the real-time data from the TurnLink/MapMyStores database and display on your website however you would like.
EMBEDDED IFRAME (Responsive version)
Insert the following styles in the header of your page or into an external CSS file:<style> body {padding:0px;margin:0px;}** Both the height of the outer div defined in the '.embed-container' class, and the height of the iframe, defined in the '.embed-container iframe' class, should be adjusted accordingly to work with the design of your site.
.embed-container {position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 662px; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%;}
.embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border:0px solid #000000}
@media only screen and (max-width: 780px) {.embed-container {height:565px;}}
@media only screen and (max-width: 380px) {.embed-container {height:565px;}} </style>
Insert the following code in the body of your site where you would like the map to be displayed:<div class="embed-container">
<iframe src="" name="mapmystores" id="mapmystores" frameborder="0" class="mapmystores" allowfullscreen allow="geolocation" scrolling="no"></iframe>
For Shopify, simply create a page in your template (or Duplicate an existing one if you are replacing a store locator and edit it), making sure to make it wide so you can use the full desktop version of MapMyStores when on a large screen and the mobile responsiveness when smaller. Then make sure your editor is in 'HTML mode' by clicking on the <> icon on the top right if it is in 'Editor' mode to toggle, and finally copy the style block and div into the page, update the 'mapid' in the iframe src and you are all set! If you do not have a wide page you can create a new Template and select the wide mode and insert the page you created.
To add MapMyStores to your Facebook page you will need to add a new instance of MapMyStores to your account. This will allow you to control your maps security and allow you to look at reporting for Facebook requests separately from those that come from your web site. To add a new instance login to your TurnLink Sales Manager account and go to Setup > MapMyStores. In the menu on the top of right of the the page select "Add New Instance". Add to the URL field "", change any other preferences and click the Save button.
To add new page for your map to your Facebook site you will need to use a 3rd party Facebook 'app' that supports iFrames. We recommend one called Static HTML: iframe tabs however others apps that support iFrames will also work. Once you have added the Static HTML app you can add the code below to the configuration page under the 'Public Content' section. You can also add a custom icon and label in the configuration sections.
src="" frameborder="no" width="800" height="1200" allow="geolocation"></iframe>
<a href= "" target="MapMyStores">Find us</a> in a store near you.
<form action="" method="post" name="MapMyStores" target="MapMyStores"> <input type="text" name="zip" size="10" maxlength="10">
<input type="submit" value="Search"> <!-- Change the value of the button text. -->
<input type="hidden" name="mapID" value="YOUR-MAPID-FOUND-ON-SETUP-MAPMYSTORES">
Sites built in Wix are manipulated by their WYSIWYG editor and have a few special instructions to follow in order to get your MapMyStores working properly.
- To add your map to your site, login to Wix and click to Edit Site from the dashboard. Then on the page where you want your store finder, embed both the css AND the iframe into the code section of a single HTML block by wrapping the css with an open <style> and then a closed </style> tag immediately followed by the <div class="embed-container"> block containing the iframe.
- While editing your site, the URL for Setup > MapMyStores will end in and can be found by adding the iframe code to the page and then previewing it. Our error message will display the proper referersite for you to add to the URL.
- For you LIVE page, the URL for Setup > MapMyStores will follow the format of
2 - XML Implementation:
The XML version can be used to feed your data to your website if you would like to implement a custom version of MapMyStores on your site. You can pass either the zip code or the latitude and longitude to set as the center of your search radius. If you need a referral to a web designer who can help you format the XML data please contact
Zip Code
Latitude and Longitude,LONGITUDE&
Optional Variables
- 'radius' ([integer], default=20, maximum=100) - The radius to search from the center point passed.
- 'resultsMax' ([integer], default=25, maximum=200) - Maximum number of results to return.
- 'userIP' ([string], any user identifier) - If you want to store the user IP that is searching for the stores.
- 'pids' ([string], comma separated list) - If you want to filter by products carried pass their public IDs