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Shipping Address

If a company has a different shipping address you can click the 'Shipping Address' box in their Company Overview to see it. If you need to setup a new shipping address select 'Edit' from the 'Shipping Address' box menu:

TurnLink gives you the option of using an existing Contact's address, or entering a new address. 

If you don't see the 'Shipping Address' box (displaying it is an administrative preference) you can select it from the Modify menu:


The assigned shipping address will also be starred in the Contacts section:

** The shipping address (physical address) is what will appear in your MapMyStores consumer search results.

** If you are synced with QuickBooks, the shipping address will update when your Web Connector is run. The main company address functions as the QuickBooks 'bill to' address.

** When placing an order you will have the opportunity to select a new 'Ship To' address, but it will default to whatever you set. 

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