Account Setup : Distributor Cost
Distributor cost is the amount your 3rd party distributors purchase product from you.
To set it up you must first connect your 3rd party distributors to your 'Direct' distributor in TurnLink. This can be done within the 3rd party distributor record:
Or in batch via Advanced Search > Push Results To > Distributor Assignments:
Your 'Direct' Distributor must be setup with your Direct Codes via Setup > Products > Distributor Codes & Pricing:
If you are using QuickBooks they should be your QuickBooks Item Codes. If you are not using QuickBooks, and do not have unique Direct item codes, you can use UPCs as place holders.
If you sell Direct to retailers you will want to set the 'Price - Published Wholesale' for Direct to your retail wholesale price.
If you ONLY sell Direct to 3rd party distributors you can add your 3rd party distributor cost as the Direct 'Price - Published Wholesale' and it will default for all 3rd party distributors:
If you need to setup unique 3rd party distributor costs you can now do so via Setup > Products > Distributor Codes & Pricing by including the 'Price - Cost to Distributor' Attribute:
Note: The 'Price - Published Wholesale' Attribute is the price your 3rd party distributor resells your products and is what will appear on their retail Customer turnover order form.
You can also set your distributor cost in batch via Advanced Search > Push Results To > Pricing. This is the quickest method if you need to setup multiple DCs, e.g. all UNFI East DCs at once:
Select the companies you want to update:
Select the 'Direct' distributor, all product folders you want to update, and click 'Continue':
Choose your unit type, update your pricing, and click 'Save Pricing':
Select the companies you want to update:
Select the 'Direct' distributor, all product folders you want to update, and click 'Continue':
Choose your unit type, update your pricing, and click 'Save Pricing':