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Setting Up the QuickBooks Web Connector

Note to QuickBooks Desktop Customers: The QuickBooks Web Connector is built, supported and distributed by Intuit® in order to properly access your QuickBooks data from web services and applications. TurnTree Solutions strongly recommends backing up your QuickBooks company file (File > Save Copy or Backup…) before following any of the below steps and/or recommendations. The tips and recommendations are meant to guide you in understanding and using QuickBooks and TurnLink together, however TurnTree Solutions is not responsible for any problems or issues you may encounter reorganizing or changing your QuickBooks data. By backing up between any of these steps, you can always restore your file and try other configurations and recommendations.

If you would like to hire a TurnTree QuickBooks specialist to help consult and recommend other changes to your QuickBooks company file, please email to discuss your needs.

Setting Up the QuickBooks Web Connector

***If you already have the QuickBooks Web Connector installed skip to step 3. You can check if it is installed by going to QuickBooks > File menu > Update Web Services. 

1. Click here to download the QuickBooks Web Connecter. 

2. Install the QuickBooks Web Connector on the computer where your QuickBooks software runs and/or where you will want to initiate QuickBooks and TurnLink Synchronizing.

Unzip the file your TurnLink representative emailed to you and place the .qwc file somewhere on your computer where you can retrieve it in the next step.

4. Open QuickBooks logged in as ADMINISTRATOR in the company file which you will be synchronizing your data and orders with TurnLink Sales Manager. You only need to be logged in as administrator for this setup process to authorize TurnLink.

Open the QuickBooks Web Connector program that you just installed and click on the ‘Add an Application’ button on the bottom right corner. Browse for the TLQBWC-username.qwc file that you unzipped (where username is your TurnLink username) and click Open .

6. The Web Connector will prompt you to authorize a new web service. Press ‘OK’.

7. QuickBooks will then prompt you to allow ‘TurnTree Solutions’, ‘TurnLink Sales Manager : Synchronize’ to access your QuickBooks file. Select ‘Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running’ and ‘Allow this application to access personal data…’ and press ‘Continue..’. Then Click ‘Done’.

The ‘TurnLink Sales Manager : Synchronize’ snap-in should now be installed inside the QuickBooks Web Connector.

9. Click on the ‘Password’ field in the QuickBooks Web Connector and type in the password that you use to access your TurnLink Sales Manager with the username specified in the .qwc file. After typing the password, press ‘tab’ on your keyboard , which will cause you to be prompted ‘Do you want to save this password?’ Click ‘Yes’.

10. In the QuickBooks Web Connector, click the left most checkbox next to ‘TurnLink Sales Manager: Synchronize’ so that it is checked.

11. Click the ‘Update Selected’ button on the top of the QuickBooks Web Connector. A progress indicator at the bottom will display the status of the transfer while data moves from QuickBooks to the TurnLink Sales Manager. No financial data or transactions are being exported. TurnLink only imports many of your order settings and the Customer list from your QuickBooks file so that you can add selected data to your TurnLink Sales Manager account. You will not be automatically adding the information into your TurnLink account during this step, rather putting it into a temporary area where you can review and add some or all of it through our setup wizard.

After you successfully run the Synchronize tool for the first time, the TurnTree support team will receive an email alerting us that you have completed the initial setup of the QuickBooks Web Connector. Our support team will then QA your data, and email you to setup a meeting to finish the final step of adding your data into your TurnLink Sales Manager database.

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