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Collateral Information & Setup

TurnLink allows you to add Collateral that is globally available to all TurnLink users in various areas of the application. You can add documents to be available for emailing as attachments or links in the body of the email, Rich Text Format (RTF) documents to merge with mail merge operations, and Excel Workbook (.xls) files to be used as Order, Products Carried, and Promotion report templates.

There are 3 ways to actually add collateral to your TurnLink Sales Manager account and they differ in the method which the actual file is transferred to the internet from your computer the first time during setup only:
  1. You can setup your TurnLink account to actually push the files to the web via FTP for you. 
  2. You can FTP the file through your own FTP Client (such as Filezilla, Internet Explorer, or countless other methods) and then tell TurnLink where the file is located by entering the URL directly into the Collateral setup process.
  3. You can store the file in a Google Drive account through the TurnLink interface.

Adding Collateral

Go to Setup > Collateral:

Click on the top right menu and choose 'Add New Collateral': 

Choose the method you are using to add your Collateral and click 'Save':

Method: Add to FTP 

Click Here for instructions to setup
TurnLink to push your Collateral files to the web for you via FTP (only required for initial setup).

Once done, choose the 'Add to FTP' method, name your Collateral, 'Browse' to select the file you want to add, choose your Collateral access type, and click 'Save':  

Method: Add to Google Drive 

Click Here for instructions to connect TurnLink with your company's Google Drive (only required for initial setup)

Once done, choose the 'Add to Google Drive' method, 
name your Collateral, 'Browse' to select the file you want to add, choose the Google Drive folder you want to store the file in, choose your Collateral access type, and click 'Save':  

Method: Manually Enter Public URL*

If you have transferred the file to the web via your own FTP client (
such as Filezilla or Internet Explorer) choose the 'Manually Enter Public URL' method, name your Collateral, enter the URL, choose your Collateral access type, and click 'Save':  

Click here if obtaining your Public URL from DropBox. 

Select applicable article name below for information on setting up your Collateral template:

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