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Account Setup : Distributors (and/or Vendors if you are a Broker)

Distributors can be added in two ways:

** We use the main company phone number as the unique identifier to ensure no duplicates are created in your account. This is a required field with both methods.

1. Manually within TurnLink

Logged in as an Admin, click on Companies > Add New:

Fill out as much information as is known about the company. At minimum, be sure to include Name, Type = Distributor, a Creation Note indicating the source and/or basic information, and the main phone number which is used as a unique ID to avoid creating duplicate records. Click 'Save Details' when finished:

You will automatically be taken into the Company Overview where you can add additional details such as Contacts

2. Via Excel Import Templates

We recommend this method when dealing with larger company lists.

Go to Setup > Imports and choose 'Companies' as your Import Type. Name your import. You have the option of creating a blank document/template or mapping [converting] an existing Excel document into our importable template. Select your 'Template File Creation' option and click 'Continue': 

Click here for detailed mapping instructions.

If you are creating a Blank Document simply select the fields you want to include and click 'Create Template':

Submitting Your Completed Import Template

Email your completed file to for us to test, feedback, and import for you. Please note that there is a $25 quality assurance and import fee per file with up to 2,500 rows. 

Additional Notes: 

** Once your distributors are in the system you can connect them to the products they carry by going to Setup > Products > Distributor Codes & Pricing.

** If you are a broker, we recommend adding your vendors as Distributors and creating a Tag called 'Vendor' for them. This will enable you to connect them to their products should they sell direct, or should you need to order samples directly from them.

** Your TurnLink account will come preloaded with a 'Direct' distributor for all of your direct sales. This distributor can sync orders with QuickBooks if you subscribe to this service.

** If you have multiple Direct distribution centers you want to track separately, you can connect them all to QuickBooks by starting their name with an asterisk ‘*’, e.g. *Warehouse1, *Warehouse2 etc...

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