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Knowledge Base

  1. Account Setup 

    1. Account Setup : Users
    2. Account Setup : Customers & Prospects
    3. Account Setup : Regional Companies (HQ)
    4. Account Setup : Outside Sales Companies & Representatives (Broker Setup)
    5. Account Setup : Distributors (and/or Vendors if you are a Broker)
  2. Company Overview 

    1. Company Overview > General Information
    2. Modify Menu
    3. Contacts
    4. Distributors
    5. Tags
  3. General Usage 

    1. Adding New Companies
    2. Inactivate/Delete & Reactivate Company Records
    3. Handling Duplicates (Merging Records)
    4. Email Inbox
    5. Excel Import Files (Setup > Imports > Companies)
  4. Reports 

    1. Dashboard
    2. Company Information (Exporting Your Data)
    3. Events Report : Reviewing User Activities
    4. Order Reports > General Information
    5. Order Reports > Product Totals (Includes Regional Level Sales Summaries)
  5. Advanced Search > Push Results To 

    1. Create Maps
    2. Email Blast Setup
    3. Order Duplicating
    4. Reports > Company Information (Exporting Your Data)
    5. Batch Products Audit
  6. Collateral 

    1. Collateral Information & Setup
    2. FTP Collateral Setup
    3. DropBox Collateral Setup
    4. Order Templates and Tag Glossary
    5. Products Carried Templates and Tag Glossary
  7. 3rd Party Report Imports 

    1. Broker Authorization : KeHE Connect
    2. Downloading : KeHE POD Reports (KeHE Connect BI)
    3. Downloading : UNFI Insights
    4. API Authorization : Faire Wholesale Portal
    5. Broker Authorization : WFM Vendor Reports
  8. Integrations : Email 

    1. MailChimp Setup
  9. Integrations : QuickBooks 

    1. How TurnLink and QuickBooks Interact
    2. Order Detail Options
    3. Direct Distribution and QuickBooks
    4. Credit Card Information
    5. Unit of Measure
  10. Integrations : Shipping 

    1. Obtaining your Credentials from FedEx
    2. Obtaining your Credentials from UPS
    3. Obtaining your Credentials from USPS
    4. Mapping your TurnLink (and/or Quickbooks) Ship Methods to Actual Ship Methods
    5. FedEx Ship Manager Templates
  11. Integrations : UNFI 

    1. Setting Up UNFI Digital Turnover Order Submission
    2. Submitting UNFI East Digital Turnover Orders
    3. Validating UNFI East SKU Details
  12. Mobile Devices 

    1. iPad Login Difficulties
    2. TurnLink Beta Users: iPad Debug Console
  13. FAQ 

    1. How do I reset my password?
    2. What are the recommended browsers?
    3. What do I need to do to setup TurnLink?
    4. How do I Increase or decrease users?
    5. Why does TurnLink ask me for my location?
  14. All articles 

    1. Account Setup : Users
    2. How TurnLink and QuickBooks Interact
    3. TurnLink Security
    4. iPad Login Difficulties
    5. Setting Up UNFI Digital Turnover Order Submission

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